
Christophe Wildi

Since august 2010, I have started a master thesis about processes linked to the methane emissions for different peatlands located along an altitudinal gradient. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of climate created by the altitudinal gradient on these processes. The research involves the following tasks: taking measurements at several depths in the peat of the concentrations of some of the substrates that can be used by methanogen Archaea to produce methane such as acetate and formate; assessing of concentrations of dissolved methane at the same depths; and measuring methane emitted to the atmosphere using gas chambers, which allows to calculate fluxes.



2010 - 2012

Master thesis in Biogeosciences about process linked to methanogenesis in peatlands located along an altitudinal gradient, University of Neuchâtel, Laboratory of Soil Biology, Switzerland

2006 - 2009

BSc in Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

2000 - 2005

Maturity grade in Biology and Chemistry, CEC André-Chavannes, Geneva, Switzerland